Some endorsements
Collected Poems, A White Radiance
His poetic felicities include a poetic mix of Eliot, Pound and Blake; the judicious invention of his own psychological terms to guide his progress; an unafraid nakedness, linked to philosophic and scientific adventurousness; genuine visionary leanings and occasional lyric beauty.
Sebastian Barker
Past chairman of The Poetry Society
He hits a pace, a tilt, that really carries the reader along…Everything comes as a subordinate clause to his dramatic momentum, a hand waving out of the express train window.
Ted Hughes
Poet Laureate
“In your autobiography you not only tell an immense amount about yourself – you quote what everybody else said to you. My life, I should say, would have been ruined by what other people have said about what they thought I said or did, on occasions, – if I had let it be. So I am simply wary of saying anything to anybody: It ends up publicly hung around my neck. You know what Rilke said about poetic fame. He was right.”
Ted Hughes
Excerpt from a letter to Nicholas Hagger, March 1994
A New Philosophy of Literature
Here is a book of immense importance for literary studies, bringing to our attention that there is an alternative paradigm available for literature in the third millennium, if writers have the courage and the imagination to take it up.
Geoff Ward
Journalist, media consultant, author and lecturer/tutor in literature and creative writing
Selected Poems: Quest for the One
Selected Poems provides the opportunity for an introduction to, or a re-evaluation of, Hagger’s work which, through its polished technique and sythensising sensibility, ought to mark him out as one of the UK’s most distinguished poets.
Geoff Ward
Author, journalist, editor, media consultant, lecturer and tutor in literature and creative writing (MA Lit.), and musician
“His history book is a quite remarkable tour de force….the attempt to look at the past in the light of what will happen…is one of the most powerful tours de force that I’ve myself come across in the whole of my own academic life.”
Asa Briggs
An extraordinary book.
David Gascoyne
How much William James would have supported all those who value the quality and range of a truly comprehensive modern awareness as Nicholas Hagger does in all he has written with a rare intellectual passion in all his work since The Fire and the Stones.
Sir Laurens van der Post
The New Philosophy of Universalism
The scope of Hagger’s book is immense. Universalism is a call to a philosopher to abandon the specialisms (in particular logic and language) and to attempt, once again, the kind of Grand Unified Theory of Everything that has marked the discipline from the beginning. Universalism has the potentiality to be as potent a movement in the 21st century as Existentialism was in the post-war world.
Christopher Macann
Lecturer in philosophy at the University of Bordeaux, author of Being and Becoming
The New Philosophy of Universalism
In this magisterial work Nicholas Hagger unites the rational and intuitive strands of Western philosophy in the light of the latest findings from physics, cosmology, biology, ecology and psychology. His in-depth exposition of these sciences and their philosophical implications is breathtaking in scope and detail and fully justifies his declaration of a Metaphysical Revolution, which also has profound consequences for our understanding of world affairs. This is one of the most important philosophical books to appear since Whitehead’s “Process and Reality” eighty years ago and deserves the widest possible readership. A stupendous achievement.
David Lorimer
Programme Director, Scientific and Medical Network