Diplomatic and cultural peace initiative in Moscow by Nicholas Hagger
Nicholas Hagger has returned from a visit to Moscow from 21 to 30 April 2019. He was invited as a special guest of the Russian Ecological Foundation to call for universal peace under a Universalist World State on 22 April, the first day of the new Year of the Phoenix which according to the Mayan calendar comes round every 2,000 years and last inspired Augustus’s Roman Empire. He spoke in the Civic Chamber in Moscow in a personal capacity as the author of 50 books including World State and World Constitution, and called on camera for a democratic World State and for a fundamental improvement in relations between Russia and the West.
He was filmed planting a tree of peace – a Siberian cedar, the first of a million trees of peace called for by the Siberian Mayor of Moscow – and there will be a plaque with gold lettering commemorating the occasion. He attended a reception and presentation to Russian diplomats at the Moscow City Duma and was filmed shaking hands and talking with the Chairman of the Duma. He was invited to President Putin’s rest-house/sanatorium and given an individual tour of the buildings. He was sung to at a personal concert in his honour by two ladies in traditional Russian costume.
He was presented with a golden phoenix, symbol of a World State rising out of the ashes of nation-states; with a silver medal by the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) inscribed “vision for future”; and with a silver medal of Vendisky by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He was made a member of the Moscow branch of the Union of Russian Writers.
He visited Mikhail Gorbachev’s Foundation and spoke with Gorbachev’s consultant. He signed World State and World Constitution to Gorbachev but could not meet him as Gorbachev was admitted to hospital the next day. He gave a two-hour television interview which is being made into a short film that will be offered to every TV channel in the world, and a longer film which will be sent to every world leader.
During his visit he signed copies of World State and World Constitution to key Russian figures, including President Putin.
His peace initiative may continue with a second visit to Moscow in June/July to meet President Putin if a meeting can be arranged, and perhaps Gorbachev and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s daughter, and members of the Russian Academy of Science.